With Rendin Alarm, You will be Safe for the Holidays!
Today more than ever, we need to be safe for the Holidays. Safe from Covid, safe from fraud and safe from theft. Rendin Alarm Company in Morton, PA wants to help keep you safe from theft. And in keeping with our series, here are some more helpful safety tips!
1: Start with security cameras
Two-thirds of homeowners worry that their home is more attractive to criminals during the holidays. There are plenty of ways to deter those criminals, though. One of the most visible and useful is security cameras, which send a clear message to potential intruders that you’ve taken action to protect yourself.
2: Make friends in the right places
It’s the perfect time to re-connect with your neighbors; not just for the feeling of community, but to team up against neighborhood crime. By keeping an eye out for each other, you’ll make your own homes safer too.
3: Give your packages plenty of protection
With so many people buying gifts online to avoid the crowds, even more packages will pile up on doorsteps across the country this year. A doorbell camera and smart lock can help keep your packages safe.
4: Simplify your home security routine
Did you know that most days, one in three homeowners worry that they didn’t lock their house? Holiday excitement makes it especially easy to forget things like checking all the doors and security system before running an errand. Don’t worry: we have solutions for you.
5: Enjoy the coziness but watch the candles
Decorating and cooking are some of the best parts of the holidays, but they bring seasonal fire risks. Make safe choices, like choosing flame resistant holiday decorations, and be sure to replace any worn or broken cords or loose bulbs. Always turn off light strings and other decorations before leaving the house or going to bed.
6: Look out for your loved ones
Even before the pandemic, 7 in 10 adults with parents over 60 felt concerned that they couldn’t visit them frequently enough. At the end of 2020, the feeling is universal. Call them or even monitor them in their home with Rendin Alarm’s connectivity capabilities.
Find Out More
Rendin Alarm is ready to keep you safe for the Holidays. We are ready to protect your entire Family, Home or Business as well!
If you are interested in Smart Alarm Systems for Your Home or Business, please call us at (610) 544-5755 for details! To learn more, visit our Services Page. Please Follow us on FaceBook.
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