Sleep Safely with Rendin. Every Day Safety Tips
Every Day Safety Tips from Rendin Alarm
At Rendin Alarm, we care about your Family’s safety beyond the boundaries, which our alarm systems protect. For this reason, we have collected some safety tips from Police Stations across the Nation. Below you will find some great safety tips for you, your Family and your co-workers.
On the street:
- Keep house and car keys separate.
- Have keys ready.
- Be aware of your surroundings.
- Stay in well-lit areas.
- Walk in the center of sidewalks. Avoid doorways, bushes, and alleys.
- Do not carry excessive cash.
- If attacked:
- Yell loudly
- Use instincts, fight and never give up
In your car:
- Check underneath and inside your car before entering.
- Keep your car in good working order, including gas and all fluid levels up.
- If your car breaks down, turn on flashers, lock your doors and get as far off the road as you can. Call for police assistance.
- If you are being followed, go to the nearest police or fire station, well-lit gas station or public place – do not go home.
- When driving, place purse of valuables underneath your seats.
In parking lots:
- Park under a light at night if you anticipate it will be dark upon return.
- Note where you parked your car for a quick and safe exit.
At home:
- Routinely lock all windows and doors.
- Keep entrances well-lit. Use timers for lights, both inside and outside.
- Check identification of repair contractors or sales individuals.
- Never indicate you are home alone.
- Get to know your neighbors.
- Door chains are not sufficient protection. Install a deadbolt.
- Contact your local police department to inquire about a home security check.
- Do not post future plans that you will be vacationing.
- Do not post pictures of your vacation while you are away.
- Do not accept friend requests from strangers.
We hope you will Take these tips to heart and help ensure a safer lifestyle. If you do not have a security system in place at your home or business, please contact Rendin Alarm at 610-544-5755 today. Or click HERE for a listing of our services.