Water Detection Systems

Water Detection Systems, Smart Homes
Water Detection Systems from Rendin Alarm

Water Detection Systems mean Peace of Mind while You are Away.

Avoid property damage loss from water leaks and use water more efficiently with our Water Detection Systems. Rendin Alarm of Morton Pa is a partner with alarm.com and represents their innovative solutions in out area.

A part of the their Water Management solution, the device is said to identify low and high-volume water leaks and constantly monitor overall water use and current usage rates in homes and businesses.

Deep integration with the Alarm.com platform leverages intelligence and insights to help reduce the risk of losses from water emergencies, while also improving water conservation efforts.

The Smart Water Valve+Meter combines cutting-edge technology with high-quality plumbing hardware to help safeguard properties from costly leak repairs and steep water bills.

Using data from the device and a suite of water sensors and monitors, the leak detection system detects both large leaks and small drips early, and intelligently responds to each issue. For example:

  • While the property owner is away, the system detects a large leak from a burst pipe and automatically shuts off water to the home to prevent flooding.
  • While the property owner is home, the system detects a small leak from a laundry room and sends a notification but keeps the water on to avoid an untimely interruption.
  • The system uses temperature sensors on the Smart Water Valve+Meter along with HVAC and thermostat information to alert the property owner if there is an emerging risk of frozen pipes.
  • While the property owner is away, the system detects a bathroom toilet continually running and closes the water valve to prevent excessive water usage.

In addition to preventing water damage, the Water Management solution constantly monitors and reports water consumption to help home and business owners reduce waste and costs.

The Smart Water Valve+Meter fully integrates with the entire ecosystem so users can manage everything remotely through a single point, the mobile app. The Smart Water Valve+Meter is available through Rendin Alarm now.

Call Rendin Alarm Today

For More information regarding Leak Detection Systems or Alarm Systems for your business or home, please call us at (610) 544-5755

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We will ensure your Home, Family of Business are safe and secure!

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