Cold Weather and Alarm Systems

How does Cold Weather and Alarm Systems affect performance?
Cold Weather and Alarm Systems Don’t Always Get Along!

Cold weather and alarm systems can be tricky together. Cold weather causes metal to contract. Especially as we reach lows in the 10°’s and 20°’s. Make sure all exterior and monitored doors are closed properly before turning on your alarms in the evening. The freezing temperatures can cause the moving parts of door latches to stick in place and require a little extra ‘motivation’ to allow a door to close.

Battery life can be drastically shortened because of cold weather in any wireless devices. If an odd window sensor goes off with no sign of intrusion, this could be a direct result. Don’t panic in case of accidental alarm. That is an easy fix.

Additionally, there’s the potential for icicles and snow blocking camera views. Make sure your outdoor security cameras are mounted in a way that hinders obstruction.

Home burglary alarms that utilize a magnet on the door and a magnetic sensor on the frame can be tripped solely due to cold weather. During cold, but not freezing temperatures, wooden doors can shrink a tiny amount. Condensation is formed when the warm interior temperatures meet with the  exterior temps. So be mindful of cold weather and alarm systems and make sure doors are tightly closed and windows are securely locked.

Precautions You Can Take

You can call Rendin Alarm to service your system and make sure your equipment is optimized to perform well in cold weather. Also, anything that is wireless should be checked for sufficient battery power. Make sure your Alarm Warning Signs are not buried in snow. Also, make sure your outside lighting is clear from snow.

Find Out More

Rendin Alarm is ready to keep you safe for the New Year. We are ready to protect your entire Family, Home or Business as well! We hope these security tips for the new year will help!

If you are interested in Smart Alarm Systems for Your Home or Business, please call us at (610) 544-5755 for details! To learn more, visit our Services Page.  Please Follow us on FaceBook.

We will ensure your Home, Family of Business are safe in 2021 and beyond!

Thank You!